Book Reviews
Recent review of “French Sand”.
When I uploaded this book to my Kindle I assumed it would be set in France, but it is not it is in a French colony in the Pacific, and that made it far more interesting I feel, though I do like France. The plot is really very good and I was totally engrossed, even though the start is a bit slow. Once the story had got going I could hardly put it down. Some lovely descriptions.
Rita Yarwood, UK
To order “French Sand” as a paperback or on Kindle:-
Recent review of my book “A Call From France” :
What a gripping and what a traumatic story ! As a mother and as a Francophile I related to it absolutely, and it left me feeling a mixture of all those motherly instincts when a mother aches for her child. The book is also interesting, simply from the point of view of life in France for a UK family. The “mother” in this story (is it the author herself?) comes over as a very strong person and I admired her determination a great deal. The end made me cry (I won’t say why because it will spoil the story for those who haven’t read it) but there were loads of laugh-out-loud parts in the book, which made a great combination.Fiona Ridge, Birmingham. To order “A Call from France” on Kindle or as a paperback:-
Review of “Saying Nothing”:-
“A strange love story. I didn’t know quite how to take it, though I did enjoy it. The main character, Jane, took a bit of getting used to and right to the very end of the book I wasn’t sure what I felt about her. But it was a good story and I could easily imagine it. Some of the descriptions of Spain were excellent. There is an unexpected twist to the end of the story, which I really liked, I thought it was just right.”
Emma Wilson, USA
to order “Saying Nothing” as a paperback or on Kindle:-
Review of “The Man with Green Fingers” (best-seller)
“An excellent story with very alive charactors. I enjoyed it.”
to order “The Man with Green Fingers”:-
Catherine Broughton is a novelist, a poet and an artist. Her books are on Amazon or Kindle, or can be ordered from libraries and book shops. She is English and lives mainly in France with extended patches in Belize or the UK. Her web site is