Painted furniture and murals by Catherine Broughton
The charity shop receives a lot of donations that have to be binned because they have limited space and need to be sure any donations will sell. These candle holders were off-white, stained, unattractive and heading for the bin. I painted them red and then put a Christmas design on them. They will now sell, no problem.
Boring old 1970s cabinet re-painted grey. Shelves backed with different papers.
all the best people have chickens on the wall of their utility room !
You’ be amazed what a lot of stuff gets binned when we are sorting donations at the charity shop. We rescue what we can and up-cycle it. These old bits of rubbish re-painted. I love painting chickens and ducks!
old photo frames painted
this old mirror was for sale at the charity shop for … I think it was £5 . Re-painted by yours truly it sold for £15.99
This lovely 1950s bureau hung around for sale in the shop for ages. It was £20 or so. Painted, it sold for £60 !
This box was £2. After I’d painted it, it sold for … can’t remember! £10 or so.
My kitchen and other odd bits either in my home or in the charity shop
Grandfather clock before and after